We provide Remote Downloading, Tracking, Telematics and a Vehicle Inspection App - please read on


Downloading tachograph data presents two challenges, the scheduling of regular digicard and tachograph downloads plus the labour intensive nature of the process. The task becomes exaggerated when depots are dotted around the country and drivers spend time away from base.

Telematics companies, GPRS and the internet have made a major impact in the transport industry by enabling real-time analysis on fuel economy, driving technique and engine monitoring providing tangible economic savings. So it was just a question of time before remote tachograph downloading became part of their portfolio.

Quite simply, you schedule when tachographs and digicards are to be automatically downloaded and specify where the files are to be sent for our Pitstop tachograph analysis software to process.

Budgeting 30 minutes per tachograph say and 1-2 minutes per digicard, remote downloading even for a modest fleet size offers amazing savings both financially and in man hours. Coupled with guaranteed compliance of the regulations, this is definitely the way forward.

As a footnote, regular digicard downloading can be used to assist the operator in the planning of drivers' hours using Pitstop's management planner feature.

Tachograph Downloading In Practice

Each vehicle is installed with a remote download device connected to the digital tachograph. It manages the authentication of the Company Card and the download process of the tachograph and driver digicards. The device transmits the data either directly or indirectly (via an on-board telematics box) over the internet to the chosen location for tachograph analysis and management planning.

The Company Card is either hosted at your office inserted into a smart card reader that is connected to the internet or by a third party depending on which system is used.

Then its a simple matter of setting up the download schedule and data destination for automatic downloading to take place. It's as easy as that!

Note: the digital tachograph must be compatible - for the VDO this is 1.3 and later and for Stoneridge its Rev 7.0 onwards (you can run a V50 Vehicle Summary report to verify)

Tracking, Telematics and Vehicle Inspection App

Along with remote downloading, vehicles can be fitted with live tracking equipment that includes GEO fencing, telematics data such as fuel economy, harsh braking, etc.

A vehicle inspection (walkaround) phone App allows drivers to record and photograph any faults before transmitting them back to the Transport Manager.

Return on investment is excellent so if you are considering remote tachograph downloading or telematics reporting in general, please contact us for further information and let us make your life a whole lot easier.

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